Monday, March 31, 2014

Block then Counter
Same six basic blocks done with the lead arm.

This time I counter right off the block with the same arm and no pauses.

Without prejudice

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Block and Counter Punch
A quick review today.

The basic idea is simple in theory; I draw a punch by presenting an opening.

The attacker punches and I deflect the punch with a quick block.

Only at this point do I pause slightly before counter pinching.

The idea is to strike the opponent not clash with him.

Without prejudice

Friday, March 28, 2014

Combining the Cane with an Angled Block and Counters
In many ways this drill is similar to yesterdays.

Again, I block with an Angled Block and counter with the same hand.

I follow up a cane thrust to the body then a Forefist punch with the other hand.

I do this a cou0le more times before I finish off with a shift away front snap kick.

Without prejudice

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Combining the Cane with a Crossdownward Palm Block and Counters
This time I block with a crossdownward palm block and counter with the same hand.

Only at this time do I follow up the cane before strike with the palm heel of my other hand.

Then I follow up with a Cane strike (as shown).

I strike with a Knifehand then strike with the Cane again.

I finish off with a shift forward knee.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Combining the Cane with an Mantis Block and Counters
This time I simultaneously use the cane to perform an Angled Block with striking with the palm heel of my other hand.

I follow up with a Cane strike (as shown).

I pull the Cane back as I thrust again with my bare palm heel.

I strike one more time with the Cane and one last time with the palm heel.

I finish off with a shift away offset kick.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Outside Palm Block with Cane Counter
Again, I hold the cane at the top in the 9th grip (as shown).

I block a punch to the chest with an Outside Palm Block while simultaneously counterpunching to the body with the cane. I follow up with the blocking hand and again with the cane.

I can finish with a kick. Notice that when I am practicing on the air, I shift forward but when a bag is there I shift backward before I kick.

As long as the bag is close, I am in range to strike.

If the bag swings away from my strikes I can either follow it or wait for it to return or withdraw myself.

Without prejudice

Monday, March 24, 2014

Inside Hooking Block with Cane Counter
Again, I hold the cane at the top in the 9th grip (as shown).

I block a punch or grab to the chest while simultaneously counterpunching to the body with the cane. I follow up with the blocking hand and again with the cane.

As long as the bag is close, I am in range to strike.

If the bag swings away from my strikes I can either follow it or wait for it to return or withdraw myself.

Without prejudice

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Rising Block with Cane Counter
This time, I hold the cane at the top in the 9th grip (as shown).

This allows me to execute a rising block against a punch to the face while simultaneously counterpunching to the body with the cane.

Without prejudice

Friday, March 21, 2014

Combining the Cane with an Angled Block and Counters
This time I simultaneously use the cane to perform an Angled Block with striking with the palm heel of my other hand.

I follow up with a Cane strike (as shown).

I pull the Cane back as I thrust again with my bare had.

I strike one last time with the Cane, only I use an overhand forehand strike this time.

I finish off with a shift away offset kick.

Again, this reads as more complex than it is when it is watched on the video.

Without prejudice

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Combining the Cane with a Crossdownward Block and Counters
This time I simultaneously use the cane to perform a Crossdownward Block with striking with the palm heel of my other hand.

I follow up with a Cane strike (as shown).

I pull the Cane back as I thrust again with my bare had.

I strike one last time with the Cane.

I finish off with a backward lead switch front kick.

It reads as more complex than it is when it is watched on the video.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Combining the Cane with a Mantis Block and Counters
This time I simultaneously use the cane to perform a Mantis Block with striking with the palm heel of my other hand.

I follow up with a shift away front kick before recovering.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Combining the Cane with an Outside Block and Counters
Again, facing forward in a Bow with the cane in a walking grip at knuckle distance,

I shift the cane to the lead hand and adopt the middle grip.

I execute an outside block and continue the block right into a counter strike with the cane.

At this point I and execute a front kick with my rear leg into the groin.

I withdraw back and practice it on the other side.

I go at an even measured pace; not too fast, not too hard.

The idea is to build a reflex that will work under pressure.

Without prejudice

Monday, March 17, 2014

Combining the Cane with an Inside Block and Counters
Again, facing forward in a Bow with the cane in a walking grip at knuckle distance,

I shift the cane to the other hand and adopt the middle grip.

I execute an inside block and continue the block right into a counter strike with the cane.

At this point I shift forward and drive my knee upward and into the groin.

I withdraw back and practice it on the other side.

I go at an even measured pace; not too fast, not too hard.

The idea is to build a reflex that will work under pressure.

Without prejudice

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Using the Cane with a Rising Block, a Counter and a Front Kick
Just like it sounds.

I start facing my opponent in a Forward Bow holding the cane at the midpoint at knuckle distance.

I use the cane to perform a rising block followed immediately by hammering backhand thrust with the same portion of the cane.

Then I shift back and execute a front kick.

Successfully combining the cane techniques into Kisae is largely a matter of proper practice. I use good form and lots of it.

Without prejudice

Friday, March 14, 2014

Simultaneous Block with Counter using the Cane in the 7th Grip
Whether I am block with the cane or striking with it; using the cane in combination with a bare arm (or fist) is a challenging task.

It requires a lot of work for me to do it when I am performing solo drills. Against a resisting partner, it is much harder.

None the less, Cane techniques partnered with bare had skills can be a part of Kisae Kempo but they require significant practice.

Without prejudice

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bare Arm Blocks and 2nd Grip Counters
Again I am in a Forward Bow at Knuckle distance.

My opponent punches for my face or torso.

I block with my bare arm and counter with a thrust of the cane as indicated in the video.

This too, is an advanced blocking sequence.

The counter with the cane can be difficult in close quarters.

Done against an uncooperative assailant, this counter must be perfect or it will fail.

Makes for a very interesting challenge.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The 2nd Grip with Blocks and Bare Fist Counters
Again I am in a Forward Bow at Knuckle distance.

My opponent punches for my face or torso.

I block with the cane as indicated in the video.

This is an advanced blocking sequence.

Done against an uncooperative assailant, these blocks must be perfect or they will fail.

Makes for an interesting challenge.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bare Arm Block then Cane Counter
The stance is a Forward Bow and I am at knuckle distance.

My attacker is punching me in the face or body.

The bare arm performs the basic blocks.


The Cane is gripped in the First grip and I thrust to my attacker’s torso as shown.

This is a challenging grip to use and I have to be careful or I stand a good chance of injuring my wrist.

In many ways, to thrust as shown from the fist grip is an advanced technique.

It looks simp0le but in this case…

Looks Are Deceiving!

Without prejudice

Monday, March 10, 2014

Cane Blocks then Forefist Counters
In this drill I practice using the Cane to defend myself against bare hand punches to the face or torso.

I start in a Forward Bow at knuckle distance from my opponent. I use my lead hand hold the Cane in the middle and use the portion just above the thumb to block with. I counter with a punch with my rear hand.

The idea is to combine Cane techniques with bare hand skills in a smooth and efficient manner.

Without prejudice

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cane use in a Block then Counter Drill
I hold the Cane in the middle with my lead hand.

I stand in a Forward Bow at punching distance.

I use it to block an incoming punch to my face or upper torso.

I use the same arm (the Cane) to counter with a short sharp backhand,

Without prejudice

Friday, March 7, 2014

Angled Block and Counters Drill
I meet my opponent in a Left Forward Bow while he is in the same.

He drives a left looping punch for my body.

I use my left hand to drive across my own body and slam into his incoming arm.

I withdraw my blocking arm back to its original position.

This has the effect of giving me a pause between block and counter.

If there is no follow up punch, I counter with my right hand, then my left and finally with my right again before shifting back to kick to his groin.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mantis Block and Counters
I face my attacker in ‘Good Position Play’; left against left or right against right.

They strike a lead jab to my body.

I use my rear arm to mantis block the punch away.

I counter then as I show in the video.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Outside Palm Block, Immediate Counter and Follow-up Counters Drill
In this case, I shuffle forward so that my left leg meets my opponent’s left leg (or right versus right).

My lead arm blocks across my body and drives from the block out and into my attacker’s head.

I follow up with more counter punches (as seen on the video).

The first counter flows from the block so there is no pause between them.

Without prejudice

Monday, March 3, 2014

Inside Hooking Block and Counter Drill
This looks similar in some ways to yesterday’s drill but it is different in application here.

I shuffle forward my left lead leg against his right lead leg.

This puts him in a good position to grab my arm or lapel with his right lead arm.

I block with an inside hooking block.

I pause slightly so I am able to block again (if necessary).

Then I counter to the face, the solar plexus and finally to the sternum before withdrawing.

Without prejudice

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Rising Block and Counter Punch Drill
I start out of range in a Forward Bow.

I shuffle into range with my lead arm down to entice a high punch to my head.

Then I block with my lead arm.

This is followed with three counters starting with my rear arm.

There is a slight pause between the block and initial counter.

It is there deliberately.

Without prejudice